Legal Form
Mr Zoer is a trade name of mr Zoer Advocatuur BV, a limited liability company incorporated under Dutch law ('besloten vennootschap'), with its registered office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Trade Registry number ('Handelsregister'): 34 24 19 65
VAT number ('BTW'): 81 53 24 777

The information on this website is exclusively intended as general information. No rights can be derived from this information. Mr Zoer is not liable for any damage which may arise from or as a result of any inaccurate or incomplete information on this website. Information sent to via e-mail or through the website is not secure and shall not be deemed to be confidential.

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The privacy of the visitors to this website will be respected and treated as confidential. Your information will be used for proceeding your orders, to send you the information you asked for. You have the right to apply for a copy of the information we hold on you. Inaccurate information will be corrected.